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- Games in Stock and Ready to ShipVIKTORY: Terror in Europe"Introducing VIKTORY: Terror in Europe, the Fast-Paced Strategy Game that Allows You to Play as a Terrorist Setting Bombs Off in Europe or Operatives Trying to Stop Him..."A terrorist is wreaking havoc in Europe. Every time the terrorist leaves a city there is the possibility he has left a bomb, trap, or recruiting cell. If Interpol does not find the bomb before it detonates, then the terrorist makes progress toward his goal of instilling fear across Europe. The job of Interpol is to coordinate the efforts of Secret Agents, Bomb Squad, Special Forces, and an Informant Network to stop the terrorist from accomplishing his goal. It will take the combined special abilities of each Operative and the Informant Network for Interpol to win. During the game, one player plays as the terrorist and tries to elude the operatives chasing him. With hidden movement cards, traps, bombs and recruiting cells to use, he tries to outmaneuver his opponents and stay one step ahead of them. The operatives goal is to catch the terrorist and defeat him in combat. Along the way, they want to avoid traps, defuse bombs, and defeat any recruiting cells the terrorist puts in their way. But the operatives have to be careful. If they get too spread out, the terrorist might attack and defeat them while they are isolated. If you like trying to outwit your opponents, you will love VIKTORY: Terror in Europe! VIKTORY: Terror in Europe Features Include:
Game Components Include:18" Quad-fold Game Board - The game board neatly folds into 1/4th it's original size to accommodate a smaller box that takes up less space on a game shelf. 3 Decks of City Cards - There are 125 cities on the map. Each city has a corresponding card. This is used by the Terrorist to secretly note what cities he goes to on his turn. The card includes a close up of the city, in addition to the number of VIKTORY points that are awarded if a bomb goes off there, and the amount of strength the Terrorist would gain from a successful recruiting cell there. Two White Operative dice and One Green Terrorist die - Each Operative has different abilities, which determine if they roll one or two dice against the bombs, traps, and recruiting cells that they will encounter throughout the game. Combat involves the Operative and Terrorist to each roll one die. To make it easier to differentiate the rolls, the Terrorist uses the green die. Three Wooden Mega Meeples - Each Operative (Secret Agents, Bomb Squad, and Special Forces) is represented by a wooden mega meeple, custom produced for VIKTORY: Terror in Europe, by Meeple Source. They are painted with extreme detail and larger than normal meeples, standing 19 mm tall, compared to the industry standard 16 mm meeples. The Alpine camo Special Forces meeple may have the most complicated paint scheme on any meeple ever produced. Five Wooden Strength & VIKTORY Point Markers - Each Operative has a wooden strength marker painted in his color to keep track of his strength throughout the game. The Terrorist has a green wooden strength marker and a green wooden VIKTORY point marker. Nine Wooden Covert Ops Tokens - Each turn the Terrorist places a covert ops token, which represents either a Bomb, Trap, or Recruiting Cell. He has three of each token type that are reusable as the game progresses, so that he'll never run out of tokens. Mini-Map - The terrorist should avoid staring at the map when planning his move to avoid giving away his location to the operatives. A convenient mini-map enables him to hide it behind his player screen and study it there. Terrorist Player Screen - It's important for the Terrorist to be able to make his plans without being detected. A large player screen allows all tokens and cards to be hidden from the view of the Operatives to maximize secrecy. A second mini-map is printed on the player screen to give the terrorist another option to study the map in secret. Rulebook - Clearly explains the rules with an example provided for in game situations. A personal message from board game designer Peter Morrison, founder of Morrison Games and designer of VIKTORY: Terror in Europe: Dear Fellow Board Gamer, My last published board game was VIKTORY II in 2006. The expansion rules for that game were finalized in 2008. Since then, I've been working on developing a new board game. I've read that the most popular game in the world is hide and seek. Some of my favorite board games incorporate some of its elements. The problem was that some of those were fairly complicated and others didn't have a combat element. I wanted to have a game that was simple enough to start playing quickly and have games that could be finished in less than an hour. However, I also wanted to incorporate combat that was not entirely one-sided. The result is VIKTORY: Terror in Europe. The game has been exhaustively playtested over years until the sides have been properly balanced, the complexity seems right, and the length of game is appropriate for the theme. What the First Two Customers ThoughtThe first two customers to buy the game had this to say: "We finally got to play last evening (Tuesday). We had a ball! Liked it so much we played a second game right away. Operatives won the first game because the Terrorist player blundered and flew when both the Agent and the Special Forces were at airports. This was after an epic gunfight in London had killed Agents and banged up both the SF and the Terrorists. Second game, the same player ran the Terrorist, who made much better use of his mobility and seaports (I'm ready to mine Brest Harbor!). The Terrorist won relatively easily, but the Operatives were out of position much of the time and, in the only instance where the Terror cell was brought to gunplay, the first roll was a tie. A very ingenious system! We will play again as soon as we can. Well done! Barry K." "Mr. Morrison, I found out about your game, VIKTORY: Terror in Europe, from a friend who brought a copy over to play. We play all day most Saturdays, invite friends and gaming acquaintances over, and play everything from simple Euros like Carcasonne to Combat Commander, Here I Stand, and Attack Vector: Tactical. The friend who introduced the game has VIKTORY II, which we've played a number of times in the past, and because he haunts boardgamegeek.com obsessively (which isn't a bad thing), knew from some discussion or other about your new game. We've played VIKTORY: Terror in Europe about twenty times in the last two weeks with a variety of players, and I've discovered it's bit addictive, especially playing the role of the terrorist. Each time you tell yourself that THIS TIME I've figured out a way to keep them from catching me .... and generally, of course, you've not. We've played games with a similar principle, such as New York Chase and The Fury of Dracula, but we're agreed that your game is quicker in both set-up and play, and while outwardly simple, quite as challenging as those others and frankly, more fun. Even though he has the game, I ordered it in order to play with my brother and his wife, who come over every Tuesday night. We used to play mind-numbing card games; they were originally of the persuasion that even Monopoly was too complicated, but I have gradually proselytized them until we now play a few real games such as Pandemic and Merchants & Marauders, and when I'd played VIKTORY: Terror in Europe a few times, I knew I had found a game that even neophyte gamers such as they would understand and enjoy, and that I would enjoy playing with them. I think I've figured out a winning strategy, so that THIS TIME they're not going to catch me.... Sincerely, Marc M." This second testimonial came from someone whose friend had a review copy that I had mailed out and he enjoyed it enough to be my second paying customer. My Limited Risk-Free Offer to Try VIKTORY: Terror in Europe.Normally, when you buy a new board game, YOU take the risk. If you bring it home and you play it once and find out it isn't a very fun or playable game, it sits in your closet for ten years and you are out your hard-earned money. I realize that VIKTORY: Terror in Europe is a brand new board game and so for a limited time, I am willing to offer an unprecedented guarantee for a board game: If you order VIKTORY: Terror in Europe, and for any reason are unsatisfied or feel that the game does not meet your expectations, then you can return the game within 30 days in like-new condition for a full refund minus shipping and handling. I think that's a pretty fair deal, and shows the confidence I have that this game will exceed your expectations. It's Easy to Order Your Copy of VIKTORY: Terror in Europe VIKTORY: Terror in Europe ships in a protective box via Priority Mail- it will take about 3-5 business days to arrive at your doorstep in the mail (longer for orders outside of the USA). To order, please send me an email at . Sincerely, Peter Morrison